FT-3 – The ONLY 3-tool fast- servo system in the industry
For the CL producer: Unique lens designs require unique solutions: The ONLY 3-tool fast-servo system in the industry, the FT-3 enables you to manufacture fully formed edge radii of your choosing on non-rotational symmetric lens peripheries. Using the very latest in fast-tool servo technology and drawing on a proven track record of fast-tool functionality and tooling possibilities, this device opens the way for making lenses to fit irregular sclera with all the benefits of a comfortable edge.
For the IOL producer: Unique solutions deliver unique benefits: The ONLY 3-tool fast-servo system in the industry, the FT-3 adds flexibility to switch between key lens design features with minimal or no production down-time for tool geometry change-overs. Automatic switching of diamond tools after a pre-set number of passes, ensures production is never stopped and lens quality is never compromised.
A high-speed air turbine drill marker is included with the FT-3 for axis referencing and diagnostic marking.