Colors could be nice – but we at DAC International have much better ideas:
This was the lead-in to several presentations on the DAC booth at the 46th Annual Congress of EFCLIN, announcing their new project which is expected to be available from the start of 2020. DAC is currently working on an automation cell with real-time feedback of various production parameters and measurements.
During these presentations at the DAC booth Jeff Graver, Software and Applications Manager at DAC, and Eyal Harel, Operations and Projects Manager at Rotlex, were presenting the key features of this next step in specialty lens manufacture toward improved surface quality, accuracy and efficiency in the manufacture of both Contact and Intra-Ocular lenses.
Accurate part handling, intelligent software strategies, realtime in-process feedback of several product and machine parameters, combined with advanced statistical data analysis, are the key elements for a consistent production process to achieve advanced surface quality, minimum reject rates, higher efficiency and lower manufacturing costs. DAC are embracing these features and more in an effort to support long-term benefits to lens wearers and the industry as a whole.
Looking at the future possibilities of continued enhancements of lens manufacturing processes, Eyal reached-out to suggest a world-wide data collection system for defining optimum manufacturing parameters for different product types. Could that become a reality also? You have to be in it to win it!